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Old 02-27-2012, 06:01 PM   #92 (permalink)
Formerly: Hermione Lily Potter
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bryant "Finn" Morris
Sixth Year

Hit Wiz love | 1/2 of Bensky | Louisa's baby claw. <3 | kewe

Text Cut: professor
Originally Posted by Lezleighd View Post
Gemma nodded at each of the students as their answers posted onto the board.

"Wow, I guess I really didn't imagine how cultured we many different people and so many different countries and backgrounds in one little room..." she said excitedly glancing back up at the list on the board suspended above them. "We are truly lucky to be able to meet so many people from so many different places..." she said smiling brightly as she took a seat once again at her tall table at the front of the room.

With a flick of her wrist, large rectangular white plates flew into the room and landed in front of each of the students. The plates were divided into ten different sections. Inside each section were a few bites of various dishes from around the world.

Once all of the plates had landed, Gemma continued, "Like I mentioned today is going to be part one of our trip around the world eating our way through different dishes..." she paused and took a quick drink and then continued. "Today we are going to focus on dishes from North and South America..." And with the mention of these two locations the flags from these areas flapped wildly in the imaginary wind above the students. After a few seconds they became motionless.

"On your plate are bites from ten different dishes in these locations. We'll go around to each dish and talk about each one..." she flicked her wand and glasses of water flew in and landed at the tables as well. "Now, I don't expect you to eat everything on your plate, but I would like you to try atleast a bite of the dish as we discuss it...." she took a sip of her water, "And along the way remember some of the basic manners we spoke about last time...this isn't a formal setting but simple manners and etiquette should be observed..."

With a flick of her wand, an image of their plates appeared on the board hanging from the ceiling and the top left hand square was highlighted.

"So, let's get started...." she said excitedly, "Our first dish is one that was mentioned by one of your fellow students." she motioned towards the young lady, "It is known as Poutine..."

SPOILER!!: Poutine

She grabbed her napkin and placed it across her lap. Then she grabbed her fork and took a little bit of the first sampling on the plate. "O everyone, please give it a try...don't be scared...all of these dishes are amazing!"

"Can anyone, other than the lady that mentioned it, tell me where this dish is from or what is in the dish or just anything about the dish?" she asked the students as she continued eating the last few bites of the dish.

OOC: Please do try the can share with others what you think of it, but keep it to a minimum please...don't forget to raise your hand when you answer...we are going to move fast today...probably going to be posting each dish every two hours or so....
O and remember Gemma sees you..yes you!

Lily looked at her plate as it appeared in front of her. She waited until the professor was done talking before she decided to taste the dish. A small bite was all she needed. It wasn't bad but it definitely wasn't her favorite.

Lily placed her fork down and raised her hand to answer the question. "I think it has french fries in it." That's what it looked like at least. Lily had tried poutine before but it didn't look quite like this one, and she thought that the other one tasted better too.
He who knows nothing is closer to the truth
than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors. T.Jefferson

*Bryant Finn Morris*Lily Potter*Benjy Doherty*
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