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Lewis raised his eyebrows a little in surprise and confusion. What was she thanking him for? He glanced around for a moment as if in search for something she could've been referring to until his eyes landed back on her. "Uhm. You're welcome...?" It seemed like the only appropriate response right now. And she was smiling so it didn't really matter THAT MUCH what she was talking about.
He slowly lowered the mug again and stared down into, considering her question. He wasn't all that superstitious or anything. "I don't know. I like the idea. You know, making a wish and it might just come true." Lewis glanced back up from the tea to look at her with a smile. And you didn't lose anything when they didn't come true either.
His face fell a little when he heard what she said next, though. What could it be that she so desperately wished for? "Maybe some things just take a little...longer to come true." Lewis finally offered softly, biting his lip, watching her. When she asked him if he had made a wish, he blushed a little, averting his gaze back down into his mug like the cherry blossom tea was the most interesting thing in the entire universe. "Sure." Lewis ALWAYS made a wish on shooting stars.
Kurumi said nothing and instead fluffed her bangs nervously. Yeah, she had probably just sounded a bit odd there, but few people were able to put up with her persistence and perfection when it came to academics. Selina would oftentimes roll her eyes and it had caused a small fight now and again between her and Jonathan when she had been tutoring him for his OWLs - which were all his fault because he was so lazy. She missed him...a lot....and her right hand found the heart shaped pendant hanging around her neck.
She smiled and sipped some more on her tea, letting it warm her. "
I suppose you're right..." to some extent at least. His next comment sort of caught her off guard a bit. Some things might just take a longer time, if only it were that easy. One of the things Kurumi had often wished for recently really didn't have any chance of coming true, but she still wished for it nonetheless. It was just like he said, she liked the idea of it all. Her cup now empty, Kurumi set it down and looked back at the Hufflepuff. "
You're a really good friend Lewis." And she patted his shoulder somewhat awkwardly.
She nearly made things MORE potentially awkward by asking if it had been a good wish, but she turned her violet eyes back towards her telescope. She had been trying to find Neptune in all this after all and she was going to call herself a failure if she didn't find the bloody thing. Tapping her telescope one more time to focus it, Kurumi continued her search.