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Old 02-27-2012, 06:09 AM   #94 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dalia Turay
Fourth Year

SPOILER!!: Goooood
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Listening and jotting down more notes as the man spoke, Kurumi was about to being practicing when she heard him ask one last question and her hand immediately shot up into the air. Her mother would be proud of her...and that made her smile. "The musical note A is used as a standard for tuning. In orchestras, the oboe plays the note and the rest of the instruments tune according to it and attempt to match its pitch. There are also several common scales that begin with the note, making it rather useful. So...I suppose you could say that by using this particular note...we are all tuning ourselves." And with that, Kurumi's hand lowered again. Here she thought she was going to be dreading this lesson...seeing as it related so closely to her mother.

Right, she needed to practice. "Emodular A...Emodular A...Emodular A..." she said to herself several times softly. Seeing as this wasn't too different from other musical spells and charms she had performed before, Kurumi removed her wand from her robes and held it near her ear and felt rather confident in performing it. "Emodular A," she said with conviction. Instantly, she heard the soft humming of the note against her ear...and it sounded as if the sound belonged to...a violin? Stopping for a moment, Kurumi set her wand down and glanced back at their instructor. "Excuse me, sir...what should this note...sound like...Um, I mean, is there a particular instrument it should sound like or is that more left up to us and our intent?"

Her mother could play the it left the Gryffindor wondering...
Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
Okay, why A? Sky had to think back to her choir classes for a minute before she finally remembered the answer. "Most musical scales start with A, so it is used as the standard tuning note."

She started practicing the incantation before using the spell. "E-m-o-d-u-l-a-r. Emo-dular. Emodular." Okay, she thought she had it, now to add the note. "Emodular A. Emodular A." There she had it! Now to actually use it…
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Nodding, Kurumi set her wand down and picked up her quill again. THAT was certainly worth writing down. Which she did before returning her attention back to her wand. "Thank you, sir." However the spell resonated with her was sort of what she took from the conversation. Yet, it was odd how the piano wasn't what sound it had come in since that is what she was more familiar with. Perhaps, there was still a part of her putting a wall up. Mentally blocking that connection because of how it related to her mother.

Kurumi held her wand up towards her ear again, her mind wandering elsewhere as she cast the spell. "Emodular A." Bad idea. The note was SHARP and LOUD, blasting into her ear and causing her to nearly stumble out of her seat. Right. Focus. Half of spellcasting.

Originally Posted by potterfan180 View Post
Cove raised her hand hand. "A is the standard tuning note." Cove was not one of the children that needed to know what an A sounded like, for she had perfect pitch. It came in handy when others in her orchestra needed help tuning. Taking out her wand, she said the incantation to herself. "Emodular A.... Emodular A..." she whispered. "Emodular A." Instantly the sound of a violin playing an A filled her ears. Her fingers were twitching to play her violin, but she didn't want to get in trouble.
Originally Posted by cheeseStrings View Post
"Because the tuning fork gives the A note," answered Janice shortly. Everybody knows that, right?

She took out jer wand and put it in front of her ear. “Emodular A,” she whispered. The sound of the A note is not that loud enough to be categorized as ‘Audible’. Maybe, she thought, maybe it’s because of the volume when I said the spell. She decided that she would pronounce the spell louder. “Emodular A!” she said, almost shouting with her wand still near her ear. The sound of the A note is louder than she had expected to become. She flinched as the loud sound from her wand erupted. She quickly stuff the piece of wood in her robes, hoping that the fabric would absorb the sound.
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ View Post
Amelia raised her hand now. She hadn't really used her violin much, but she could guess as to why they were tuning on the note A. She raised her hand now. "Isn't that the standard note for tuning? Like maybe those tuning fork thingies give off that note?"

Now it was time to practice the incantation. She closed her eyes and repeated it. "Emodular A... Emo..du..lar... A... Emodular A..." She said it over and over until she was sure she had the hang of it.
Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
Okay, now to test the spell. "Emodular A," Sky said, pointing the wand at her ear. She heard the nice clear tone of a guitar's A string. Yay, it worked! She decided to try the spell again, just to be sure. "Emodular A." She the guitar again. Yep, she definitely had it down!
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyssa was now ready to perform the spell. Holding the wand next to her ear, she said the incantation,"EMODULAR A". She heard a beautiful note emitting from her wand. It sounded like it was the right note but to test it, she sang,"Do Re Mi Fa So La...La...LA..." 'Yep it sounds like the same. So it must be the note A' Alyssa thought to herself, glad that she had got the tuning spell right the first time.
Originally Posted by Gabrielle View Post
Emodular. Okay. Wait, what was it again? "Emo-du-lor? No. E-mo-dul-edge? No. Emodular. Emoudular A." Yes that was it. Glenn glanced at the others who were already practising the spell. She listened closely to the way the students were saying their spells. Yes. She had been saying the incantation correctly. Glenn held her wand vertically out in front of her; ready to start the practical task.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyssa decided that practice was always good, so she decided to try performing the tuning spell again. Placing her wand next to her ear, she said, "EMODULAR A". Immediately she heard a beautiful tone next to her ear. It sounded similar to the one that she heard earlier and Alyssa's ears confirmed that too as she heard the same tone coming from the other students who were also performing the same spell. Alyssa sat back happy that she had been successful in performing the spell twice.
Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
All right, now for the ultimate test. Sky thought as she held her wand to her ear. "Emodular A!" At the tone, she sang out a perfectly tuned "Ah…" She looked around at her classmates to see who else was practicing the spell like that and only saw a few others. Oh well, their loss…
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill View Post
Gwen had absolutely no idea what brought her at a music class, as she was a total disaster when it came to singing. Ah, and it wasn't only singling... she couldn't even play an instrument! Right... that reminded her of the time when Akira- or what that girl's name was- tried teaching her how to play the guitar. Of course, from the moments she ran her fingers through the chords, it sounded absolutely terrifying.

Oh... the spell. She had better try that. It was the least she could do. But nope... she wouldn't hold it close to her ears. It would probably freeze her brain. 'Emodular A!', the young Ravenclaw said loud and clear. ARGHHHH. It sounded absolutely TERRIBLE. And it was loud too. And high. So again she proved herself that she had absolutely no talent whatsoever when it came to music. None.
Originally Posted by iceblossom22 View Post
Elise picked up her wand, looking around at people practicing the spell left, right and center. Deciding that while she waited, she might as well try out the charm, she closed her eyes. Calling to mind the perfect pitch, she tried to concentrate.

she tried, before putting her wand to her ear.

"Emodular A,"
she cast, her wand vertical and next to her ear. The tone was just slightly sharp. Maybe by about 5 Hertz, but Elise wasn't satisfied until she got the correct pitch. Bracing herself to try again, she breathed in deeply.
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ View Post
Right. Now it was time for Amelia to try practicing with the wand. She picked it up from the table and placed it to her ear. "Emodular A." She heard a beautiful note in her ear and smiled happily. She had performed the spell successfully.
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva started to practice the spell "Emodular A" she said. "Em-odu-lar A" no that didn't sound right. "emo-dular A" that was a little better. She decided to put it back together instead of sounding it out. "Emodular A"
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
After trying the incantation aloud several times, Ella was ready to try it with her wand. She held it close to her ear and said, "Emodular A!" Suddenly she heard a nice tone and smiled. It had actually worked!
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella listened closely. So they would be using Emodular A first...well Ella decided that it would be best to practice saying the icantation before she did any wand work. She cleared her mind, focusing on the word. ", Emodular A. Right, Emodular A." Ella hoped she was saying it correctly, looking around to see if she could catch another student practicing. They seemed to be saying it like she was so she continued a few more times. "Emodular A...Emodular A...Emodular A..." with that, Ella decided she was ready for the practical part. She picked up her wand and held it vertically...

SPOILER!!: questions
Originally Posted by iceblossom22 View Post

So... there was a spell for tuning?! And she didn't know about it?! This was just saddening. But over the years, learning piano, violin and flute had given her the sense of tuning. Her mother had called it perfect something... Right, perfect pitch.

Pulling out her wand, she paused for a moment before answering the Doc's question. "The A note is commonly used as a tuning note in orchestras as it is the open string for string instruments. A tuning fork would also produce a 'Concert A', 440 hertz."

Although, she prefered to tune to Concert A# on the flute, she'd been taught to tune to 'A' on the violin. 'A' was just... there. Anyways, on to trying the incantation.

"Emodular. Emodular A. Emodular A,"
she tried, with her wand on the table. Wondering briefly if she would have to tune to A-sharp or B-flat, she raised her hand. "Sir, if we were to tune to A-sharp, perhaps... Would we have to use A-sharp for the incantation or B-flat?"

Cause some tuners were weird.
Xavier nodded, “Yes, the spell can produce any note.”

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post

Alyssa was puzzled by the question. So she raised her hand and asked"Sir, do we use the A note to tune all instruments or just string ones? Doesn't piano keys start with the C note?"

As she waited for the Professor to answer her question, she proceeded to first practice the incantation. "EMODULAR A....EMODULAR A....EMODULAR A" Alyssa practiced the pronunciations and imagined in her mind what it was intended to do. Once she was sure of the incantation, she picked up her wand and got ready to perform the spell.
Xavier listened to the girl; it was a valid question, one that a person couldn’t really be expected to know if they weren’t a musician. “Not quite, Miss Potter, a full sized piano starts with an A – the bottom note. We can tune any instrument with an A.” he explained.

“The note ‘A’ is what an orchestra will tune to, it is known as concert pitch.” Xavier explained. “The spell, however, can be used to produce any note – just change the ending. For example, you could say ‘Emodular F sharp’ and it would produce an F sharp.” Clear enough? Probably... “The spell can be used to tune any instrument and, with a lot of focus and practice, can be directed right at an instrument to tune it immediately. To do this you would just use ‘Emodular’ and the instrument would, with some luck, tune itself. However, this is very advanced magic and I don’t expect you to have to try it now.” Because seriously, it was difficult.

Xavier observed the students practicing with a slight smile on his face. He just loved seeing people learn, especially about music – a good thing, really, considering he had just received a job offer at the Austrian Magical Academy of Music And Dramatic Arts. They were doing very well... a couple of sharp notes here and there but an overall success. Holding up his baton, Xavier motioned for silence. “Wonderful! Now, we will move on to the second spell. As we established earlier, Ludo Solus can, like Creo Musica, create music from nothing. But it has a secondary use, it is the spell we use to enchant musical instruments to play by themselves.” One of his favourites, actually. “The way we do this is by taking a piece of music that we want the instrument to play,” he held up a complicated looking piece of sheet music, “and cast Ludo totalum on it. We then immediately cast Ludo Solus on the instrument – if you speak between these two spells the effect is diminished and the music that the instrument plays will be messy. When cast correctly this spell can last forever and so, to end it, we use Finite which I’m sure you have learnt from your charms professor.” It was the first thing Xavier had learnt when he’d come to Hogwarts, he was sure they had been taught it by now.

“Watch.” Pointing his wand at the sheet music, he said, clearly, “Ludo Totalum.” Then he turned to the piano and drew a circle with his wand. “Ludo Solus.” The piano began to play by itself, a melody by an old muggle composer. Xavier let the piano whilst he gave the rest of the instructions. “As you can see the wand movements are a point for Ludo Totalum and then a circular movement for Ludo Solus. Focus is very important in these spells.” he added. Now it was their turn.

“The easiest instruments to use this spell on are percussion or wind instruments however you may choose anything to try it on. If you have brought your own instrument you may use that.” He nodded at the girl who had brought her violin with her – he hadn’t asked anyone to bring instruments but if she really wanted she could use it. Violins were one of the most difficult instruments to use this spell on – Xavier himself had taken a few months to achieve it. “For those of you who wish, I have brought a selection of easy musical instruments for you to use.” He bent down and lifted the lid of the mahogany chest. “Please be careful with them.” Inside the chest was a selection of musical instruments – panpipes, thumb pianos, recorders – that sort of thing. Waving his wand, Xavier sent a small stack of music around the room to each desk, simple things like Frere Jacques and Mary Had A Little Lamb.

“Come and collect an instrument and try it for yourself.” he instructed, casting finite at the piano so that it stopped playing.

You can do this in about four posts, please label them for me The spell is very difficult so unless your character has tried it before they probably won’t get it right immediately. First years will probably struggle more than seventh years - as with everything. But have fun! If you have any questions Xavier will answer them.
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