Originally Posted by
hermionesclone Alec stuffed his hand in his pockets as he walked along the corridor to the courtyard. It was an odd sort of day. The weather seemed to be getting slightly warmer but there was still that chill in the air. Typical. But that wasn't going to stop him from walking out into the grounds.
And it was just as he was walking along this corridor that he saw... someone. He tilted his head to the side as he watched the young girl. Unless he was mistaken, the girl seemed to be alone. And she seemed to like kicking stones. Odd. Maybe she was bored. Or angry.
But that wasn't going to bother him. If she was bored, he could keep her company and if she was angry... he could calm her down? Yes, that was a good plan. Alec made his way towards the girl, trying his hardest to keep a charming natural smile on his face.
Reaching her, he looked down at the stones. "Erm, are you having a stone kicking competition with yourself?" he asked. Yes, that was his way of introducing himself.
"I guess you could say that!"Cardigan said with a laugh.She wasn't planning on having a contest,but now she was!And so far,she was winning.Maybe she would win the next one and the next one as well!She definately had the swaggè to do it.Who else was awesome enough to win in a contest against themselves?Let me think.......no one!"I'm Cardigan!"She said,extending her hand to shake the boy's.Had she seen him somewhere before?He seemed oddly familiar...