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Alyssa raised her hand."The zodiac is the astrological signs. There are 12 of them. The Western zodiac is based on the Earth's relationship to fixed, designated positions in the sky, and the Earth's seasons".
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What the Western Zodiac was based on? Kurumi wasn't entirely sure she understood the question and was a little disappointed they were not going to be discussing the Chinese zodiac that she was more familiar with. So...what was is based on? Constellations? But they had already established that...so it that didn't seem like a likely answer at the moment.
Putting more practical notions of Astronomy to use in her brain, Kurumi thought a bit more before raising her hand. "Do you mean fixed designated positions in the night sky in relationship to the Earth and its seasons?"
"Both of you are correct and are awarded a point each," Thereos replied. He knew that his next question should be easy for the younglings.
"It has been mentioned by several of you that there are twelve signs in the zodiac. What are their names?"