The fact that they're looking for Neptune just made me think of Neptune BOTT. xD The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie It was a good thing that Kurumi had herself completely occupied with academic thoughts regarding Astronomy and finding Neptune to notice Lewis looking at her longer than what may have been considered normal. Recently, when the Gryffindor wanted to put blinders up, she really put them up and blocked everything out entirely. It was her best defense at the moment. Made her feel like she had at least some control over things.
"Pretty...sure..." she nodded, running her fingers over the chart and checking things again. She traced along several constellations until her fingers found Pollux and then her left hand traced over the line that should be the path of Neptune during this time of year. " SHOULD be there..." She glanced up again, noting the slight cloud coverage. "Maybe we need more powerful telescopes..." Which they didn't have with them at the moment.
With a small sigh, Kurumi set the charts down on their shared blanket. Well, there were other things to spot besides Neptune, but she really wanted to see it. Frown. Looking up again this time, Kurumi's eyes widened. No, it wasn't a comment this time. "Quick, Lewis, LOOK!" she chirped, pointing and tapping his shoulder to make sure she caught his attention. Shooting star! Now it was his turn to lean over a little, watching her trace Neptune's path on her star chart with her finger. Everything seemed to be correct, yes. "Okay." If she was sure - and with good reason too - they were going to keep on looking for Neptune. It couldn't hide from them forever. "Let's just keep on looking then." Lewis said quietly with a smile into her direction, reaching for his telescope again. It didn't REALLY matter to him if they found it or not. Somehow it definitely wasn't where it should be. Weird. Maybe-
Lewis pulled back so forcefully that he almost took his telescope with him when he heard Kurumi's sudden exclamation. He was supposed to LOOK! Only where? "What am I- Ooooh." A shooting star. He'd looked up just in time to watch it finish its path across the sky and disappear again. That was nice. He hadn't seen a shooting star in a long time. Even if they wouldn't be able to see Neptune tonight, they'd at least be able to say they'd seen a shooting star. Which was way more awesome.
Sitting back down on the blanket next to Kurumi, he reached for his tea again and carefully took a sip. "Did you make a wish?" Lewis asked her softly, watching her over the rim of his mug while taking another sip. This tea was really good. And now he finally knew what Cherry Blossoms tasted like too. |