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Slightly shocked, Nate took the note from Jez and read it for himself. Then he read it again, and a third time. He even held it up to the light in a feeble attempt to convince himself that it was a fake. But it wasn't. Keegan Black had actually gone to a matchmaker. Naturally, he read the note over a fourth time just to be sure. "Somehow I still don't believe this," he said, shrugging rather animatedly, the letter flapping around in his hand. "So you're entirely sure Keegan wrote this?" It was a silly question--Keegan had to have written it, judging by the parts about Team Wolf--but he still had to ask. Was this just another girl, potentially another family, that would 'have to die' (as Jared always so eloquently put it)? The thought shook Nate, especially since he was vaguely familiar with the girl. She had been the Slytherin seeker during his first year--her seventh. And now, having been out of school for but one year, she was having her life put at risk without her own knowledge. Even as he relaxed, handed the note to Pam, and settled into the bed, Nate couldn't help but feel bad for the girl.
Jez nodded, her eyebrows raised. "Positive. I know Keegan's handwriting better than mine." She pointed at the letter. "He always puts two strokes through his t's and f's. It's like a habit. That's how I know it's him." It seemed natural to Jez to memorise these things - she already knew Nate's and Pam's handwriting backwards. Keegan had taught her to notice this stuff. Stuff like handwriting and perfume and jewellery. Des wrote with a long flowing hand, making her capitals gothic, and she always wore jasmine scented perfume. Jez would know if anyone was trying to impersonate her siblings.
She settled down again next to Nate, closing her eyes and letting out her breath slowly. "I don't know what Des was thinking," she mumbled. "She knows how dangerous it is for this Evelyn woman to be around us. She's basically arranging her funeral." But Keegan had agreed to it - and he'd enjoyed his date with Evelyn, it seemed. So what did that mean?
"Last time Keegan dated, she turned up dead," sighed Jez, referring to Jaime. "What's betting Evelyn will turn out the same?"