Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean Chocolate? Professor Lafay was going to eat a chocolate bar. It looked yummy. Indy liked chocolate, she would need to go and get some later. After the lesson of course. Now she needed to think about the question. What did chocolate to your skin? Indy didn't really know. She'd thought chocolate was good, as long as you didn't eat too much after all. But maybe there were some bad bits about the tasty treat too. "I can make people get spots." Although she didn't really understand that too much. She ate chocolate, and didn't have too many spots. But maybe that was just her age...
__________________ It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix 
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain |