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Old 02-23-2012, 06:40 PM   #34 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia "Amy" Mae Samson
Seventh Year
Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God

Amelia Mae Samson

Hufflepuff's Bonker's Insane Narnian Who
May Or May Not Be SHERlocked At This Moment In Time....

So Hi:
Full Name: Amelia Mae Samson
Goes By:
- Amy
- Meme (if you're Hope and Amy's feeling nice)
- Samson/Pizza!Buddeh/Potato Munchkin (Sammy)
- Amelia Mae Samson (if you're her parents and she's done something wrong)
Age: Seventeen
DOB: 18th November, 2060
POB: Mayday hospital, Croydon
POR: Blackheath, Greenwich
House: Hufflepuff
Year: Sixth
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Relationship Status: In a relationship with Jack Rose
Wand: 11½ inch, Vine wood wand with a core of a Salamander scale. Rather flexible
Boggart: Death, losing everything
Patronus: Greyhound
Amortenia: Chocolate, Lynx, Hair Gel, Roses, Fresh pumpkin pie, incense
I Look Like ...:
Hair: Chocolate brown, thick, long, ratty in the mornings, wavy bonkers and uncontrollable
Eyes: Sea blue
Skin Tone: Porcelain pale but blushes easily
Height: 5'3"
Build: Tiny, slim
Usual Attire: 1 2
Model: Georgie Henley
And These People Are Related To Me:
Mother: Erin Samson (nee McDarn) - 39
Father: John Samson - 41
Siblings?: Noal Samson (deceased), Chloe, Jake, Hope
Pets?: Queeny and Ramona the kitty kats
Siblings in the Past Life?: Sammy Starr. She's my baba...aaaand Renesme Dixon
Educational Genius here:
Schools: St Anthony's RC Primary, Marian Vian Primary, Italia Conti, Hogwarts
Favourite Lesson: History of Magic No. I'm not a nerd
Worst Lesson: Ancient Ruins
Transfers?: Transferred back from Italia Conti (she went there for her third year)
Charms: E
Muggle Studies: E
Potions: E
I'm Clearly Amazing:
Amy Samson (full name Amelia Mae Samson, but call her that and she'll personally rip out your tongue so you'll never speak again) is the proud title owner of the shortest sixth year Hufflepuff, though there isn't that much of a long-list and is also the best friend of one Samamtha Starr, also known as the "loud blonde whovian". First thing you should know about Amy is she's very protective of her hair, her hair is her baby as in her eyes everything else about her is minging (though Jack disagrees). Amy is the other half to Sammy and for the pair to be compatible in any way, they must both be loud, crazy and fangirlish, which Amy is.

However once you get over the whole "you like Sherlock/Narnia/dinosaurs? I'm going to hug you" thing, Amy is much more muted than first assumed. Happy to be on her own as long as she has a book (Narnia, possibly the most thumbed through book she's ever had)
Tonight we are young. So lets set the world on fire----------------

----------------------------Belle-Marie. Hufflepuff. Fifth Year.

Last edited by city_girl_95; 02-28-2012 at 03:14 PM.
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