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Old 02-23-2012, 08:31 AM   #33 (permalink)

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Point Me .33
Seventh Year

“What? James wake up!!” Lilly yelled, shaking him hard on his shoulder.
“What is it Prongs?” Sirius asked. Remus was sitting quietly on the ground, leaning on the couch by Lily’s legs. It was almost his time of the month.

James was panting and breaking out in a sweat, “Um… just a nightmare,” he said, but he looked frightened.
“What was it about?” Lily asked, reaching for his hand, but pulling away at the last minute. She could sense Remus’ gaze on her and avoided looking him in the eyes.
“Just about when we graduate, about what will… you know, be there when we get out,” he said simply.
“But what was it about exactly?” Remus asked.
“We were all in the forest and there was a gap in the north-western direction, the rest of the border was surrounded in Death Eaters, but there was a secret corridor in the gap somehow…” he said. Lily stood up quickly and dashed to her books.
“Easy! It’s called the Four-Point spell,” she said, putting her wand on her hand and saying “Point Me!”

It pointed right at James.
She looked up, slightly blushing, and said “You are North, James.”

always on the move
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