Back in his apartment not far from the Ministry, Corin was rifling through his
backed up mail when he spotted something that didn’t look like his usual stack of bills or letters from his nephew or mother. Ripping it open he read its contents quickly.... then read it again… and again…
He has a date.
What date????
His eyes shifted towards the indicated day and time…. then scrambled for the shower.
Thirty minutes later the
salt-and-pepper haired man was peering through the windows of this small café that he actually missed on the first pass. As he pushed the door open he was greeted with soothing music coming from the band jamming together on the small stage at the far end of the cafe, the aroma of coffee wafting through the air inviting him in. He slipped into café and made his way towards a vacant table by the windows. As he shrugged his coat off, his eyes shifted at the ladies already seated. Was one of them his date? They all seemed to be with friends, which had him thinking that perhaps she wasn’t there yet. Unless his date brought her entourage with her and was one of those now seated, whispering and giggling away at whatever struck their fancy. He really hoped that wasn’t the case.
Groupies. He doesn’t like them.
He set the simple flower bouquet on the table and settled into his seat, idly reading the mini-menu propped up at the center of the table.