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Old 02-21-2012, 07:22 AM   #21 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dalia Turay
Fourth Year

SPOILER!!: Greetings
Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
Yay, Musical Theory! Sky was excited for this one! She had it in her head that she wanted to be a rock star one day, so this type of class was right up her alley. After all, all the best rockers knew at least some of this stuff, right? She just hoped this didn't turn out to be like those stupid choir classes her (well meaning but misguided) mother had signed her up for. Who wanted to sing a song about trombones when you could sing about your angst?

Sky took a seat, filled out the paper and sat back. "Hello, professor!"

SPOILER!!: name card

Name: Sky Carter-Hope
Year: Second
House: Slytherin
Xavier smiled at the girl, "I'm not a Professor, Miss." he said. "But hello to you too."

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi didn't know what made her feet move towards the Divination Tower for this lesson. Music was something that reminded her of one thing and one thing only: her mother. For the past month and a half or so, all the fifth year had done was try to push all thoughts of her mother out of her mind to try and suppress the emotions that bubbled inside her every time she thought of her mother and how little time she had left. Being classically trained in the piano since she could stand really, music had been a part of Kurumi's upbringing - even if she came to loathe it at times.

Slowly stepping foot in the room, Kurumi bowed to the man. "Good day...sir," she said, not knowing who he was and failing to see his name on the board - the fifth year was rather distracted with her own thoughts at the moment. Finding a seat, Kurumi made her name tag and set it on her desk.
Ahh, a prefect. Somehow Xavier had never quite been prefect material... He grinned at the girl. "Good day."

Originally Posted by Bubbles View Post
Kennedy heard about this Magical Music Theory going on. He liked listening to music on his iPod when he was back home while he did chores, but that was not the reason he was here. Oh no. There was a much more important and...pretty reason he was here.


Yep, he knew her passion for music and so, he wanted to learn about it... and so he was here. He took a seat at the front row and scribbled his name down on the card.
Xavier nodded politely at the young man who took a seat at the front. Ahh, Escalante... that rang a bell.

Originally Posted by alchemist_18 View Post
Magical Music Theory?

It soundes awesome! Raven was very interested in music. She walked to the divination tower and entered the classroom.

"Good day, Dr. MacNally." she smiled. Then she took a seat, wrote her name on the card.
"Good day." he replied. All these students were so polite!

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyssa quickly rushed into the room. She sighed with relief when she noticed that the class hadn't started yet. She quickly went up and greeted the gentleman,"Hello Sir." before taking a seat and filling out her parchment.

Text Cut: name card

Name:Alyssa Potter
Year: Third
House: Hufflepuff

And then sat back and waited for the seminar to start. This was supposed to be about Musical Magical Theory? Alyssa couldn't wait to for class to start.
"Hello." Xavier replied.

Originally Posted by iceblossom22 View Post
Elise bounded into the classroom. Music! Magical music, all the better! It didn't matter whether it was theory or not, but Elise would've preffered practical. That would have made it cooler. Staring at the beautiful grand piano, she was a little awestruck.

Shaking the sense into herself, she grinned at the person. "Hi!" she grinned before walking to her seat and filling in a namecard.

Was that Scott Joplin?
Xavier grinned, "Hi!" he replied.

Originally Posted by potterfan180 View Post
Cove was so excited! Music theory was something she was good at. Finally a class that she could excell at! Wether it be magical or muggle music theory, she composed her own music before, she knew the rules! Cove didn't know if they needed their insturments (if they had one), so she brought her violin.

Listening to the professor as he played the piano, she filled out the name card:

She passed the prfessor as she took her seat. "Hello, sir." she said smiling. "You play beautifully." she commented.
"Hello." he replied with a polite nod of the head. "Thank you. It's years of practice." And she'd brought her violin... that could be useful. Though she may want to use one of his own instruments for part of the lesson.

Originally Posted by James_Potter View Post
Extremely winded and tired, William slowly entered the classroom, clutching his side. The tiny, sickly second-year hardly ever had to come all of the way up to the Divination Tower, and therefore had a bit of trouble keeping his breathing controlled. After several moments of stitch-clutching and wheezing, William took a name card and took a seat somewhat near the front. With all of his heavy breathing, he hadn't given notice to the man playing a magnificent piano. Feeling it was rather futile to attempt to greet the musician over the pleasant melody, he resorted to taking out a quill and bottle of ink from his bag and writing neatly on the card.

Placing the card on the front edge of his desk, William silently sat at his desk. He hadn't made many friends at Hogwarts yet, and he was quite sure he had no musical talent. He was not even sure why he was here; he had never even heard of a Magical Music Theory class before.
"This will be interesting," he said, half sarcastically, as more students entered the classroom.
Xavier blinked slightly as a boy came in gasping. "Hello." he said, motioning for the boy to sit down before he hyperventilated.

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
There was a class on music! Selina could barley control her excitement at the prospect of the lesson that was about to commence. The redhead, in spite of being a certified athlete because of Quidditch, loved music immesly. In fact, the Gryffindor played the flute since she was five years old. It was a hidden talent of hers that she had only broken out twice in a class at school, but she loved the flute none-the-less; so a class in theory would be a refreshing and nice change of pace.

As she walked into the room with a slight spring in her step Selina nodded at the Professor and said, "Hello Professor MacNally. Having a lovely day so far?"

Then she took her seat with the rest of her peers and wrote on the card:

SPOILER!!: the card

Name: Selina Skylar
Year: Fourth
House: Gryffindor
"Hello. Yes, thank you, I'm having a marvelous day." replied Xavier.

Once Xavier had finished greeting the students he ended his tune with a flourish and stood up from the piano, softly closing the lid on the keys. He picked up the conductor’s baton from the music stand, and motioned for silence as though quietening an orchestra, then he put the baton behind his ear and clasped his hands in front of him.

“Good afternoon, class and welcome to the lesson.” he said in his soft Scottish accent, smiling around at the students. “My name,” he gestured to the blackboard, “Is Dr MacNally and I have been invited into your school to teach you the basics of Magical Music Theory.” This was so exciting! He loved new students. He recognised one or two of them – some of his private students – but new faces were always refreshing.

Here goes. “So, before we start, can anybody tell me the difference between Magical Music Theory and Ordinary Music Theory?” he asked, smiling around at the room, he was sure some of them would have very intuitive answers, younger students always did – adults usually tried to explain things in far too boring terms. And music is not supposed to be boring.

The seminar has now STARTED. Please don't arrive late! Just RP your character being here all along. Have fun!
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