Delilah's only here because of Alice. YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi Were these odd classes always something Hogwarts did? Delilah had never heard of anything like them in any history books. She'd not gone to the first one because it looked boring. And by that she was ill. Delilah won't admit to that though. The classes DID look cool though. Music theory. No. Magical music theory. Definitely cool. Well, hopefully.
She gave a small nod to Gerald before going into the classroom.
Looking around the room, the small brunette frowned. There were only two students in there. How was she THAT early?! She'd gone from the very bottom to the very top of the castle! Really, all the other students were so lazy and disorganised. Or she was unnaturally organised. Delilah wasn't quite sure which. She eyed the man on the piano and listened to his music for a moment, before focusing her attention on the box under the blackboard. Ooooooh.
After a moment of staring at the box, Delilah looked away and stared at the man. With an awkward wave she decided to speak up. "Hullo Mr... um... Sir..." Oh. No, wait. His name was on the board, wasn't it? Pffft. Silly chest distracting her attention from the important things. "Mr McNally. Hello."
Then, with a small shuffle, the girl sat down in the seat closest to her and filled out the name card on the desk.
Last edited by Nixy!; 02-20-2012 at 08:45 PM.