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Vlimia waited for the girl with the flowers to reach her. She started to regret sitting in the very back. To distract herself, Vlimia visualized what she wanted her flower arrangement to look like. Something that suited her rainbow vase, definitely. Something with a deep red, a dark blue and a nice creamy white. Vlim had a set
image in her mind that she wanted to put together... but she would probably get the leftover flowers. All the good colours would have been used up. Well, Vlim would see what she got.
Minerva got to the back "Hello hope I didn't take to long. Go ahead and pick which ever flowers you would like." she smiled at the girl and waited for her to chose her flowers.
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As Alyssa waited for the Professor to tell her whether she had any more spare flowers that she could hand out, she remembered the flowers in her own vase. She had two flowers in yellow, blue and white. Alyssa figured that she would give up her for now and take whatever was remaining later.
So she went back to Ella. She had felt bad that she had been stuck with the left over flowers, and so offered her the flowers she had. "Here Ella, you can take mine. I have yellow, blue and white. I'll just take whatever there is left over once all of you have what you need."Alyssa smiled handing over her flowers to her fellow house mate.
Then Alyssa spotted Minerva and went up to her. "Hi Minerva. I noticed that you still have lots of flowers. Could you give some to Sierra? I didn't have of a selection for her to choose from. I'm sure that she'd appreciate yours better."Alyssa told Minerva pointing her in Sierra's direction.
"Here Alyssa take some of these flowers until you get some more from Professor Magnus." she handed Alyssa some of the flowers out of her container she was carrying around.
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Zhenya had decided she wanted to make a rainbow flower display, so she raised her hand and waited for them to come and hand her some flowers.
She was so happy that the water in her vase had not started leaking as well, and she was excited to start practising on the homework thimbles. Maybe she would make her mother one!
"Hey Zhenya here are some flowers. Go ahead and pick which ones you want to use." Minerva smiled at the girl she had met at the crazy Balloon party. Then she looked around to see if Laura had changed her mind in trying to do her vase.
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Swallowing hard, Lewis closed his eyes for a brief second to calm himself down. The girl couldn't hurt him in class. And she didn't even know his name so it was very unlikely she would find him outside class. But then again she knew which house he was in. Still, why was she mad at him in the first place?!
He shook his head a little as he opened his eyes again and put his head down on the desk, cheek first so he got a good look at the lower part of his vases. Which seemed to hold the water pretty well. REALLY well actually. There was absolutely no water on the desk! Okay, that meant he was ready for some flowers.
Not sure if he was supposed to SAY anything, Lewis settled with just raising his hand, hoping the flower-people would get what he wanted. At least the scary Slytherin girl wasn't one of them.
Minerva finally made her way to her fellow puff team mate. "Hey Lewis, sorry it took me so long. Go ahead and pick which ever flowers you would like. I hope I have ones you are looking for. If not I can go up and see what is still up front or Alyssa might have some."