❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Blink. Blink.
The young eaglette blinked at least five times as she reread the message on the door of their history of Magic classroom. It seemed like she just couldn't believe what was written there. They were actually going to have their class at the Lavatory? As in the girl's bathroom with boys going along too? Now that seemed amiss, more like that something Thereos had told them was going on at the Forbidden Forest.
With a sigh, she proceeded to their new location. "So maybe..we'd be tackling something about the Chamber of Secrets?" She said to herself as she climbed the stairs, that was..considering to the fact that the Chamber's entrance could be found at the Lavatory itself. "Hello Professor," she greeted the Professor as she walked inside. There were already a few of her classmates, she discovered when she looked around. That was when Professor Scabior said THAT...whaaaaat? Come again? They were going to sit on the floor? Beezus just couldn't help but stare at him as she slowly slumped to the cold tiles, following the lead of her classmates. Now that was just so fetch!
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