½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf Well done Lions! for not giving up! I can see the fire is still burning, remember to remain focused, do not take your eyes from the prize. Our target to beat Slytherin, is still achievable, in fact, I would even say our chance has phenomenally increased. Why? Is it simply because we're awesome and we know it? Is it because WE will stand up to them? Or is it because THEY have slacked off?
YOU, yes you... the one eating the chocolate frog and staring at the wall with the Lion poster on it.. YOU can make a difference! How? ... SIMPLE! if you go here you will see the list of classes YOU can attend to earn points and the list of homework YOU can complete to earn points. If you look carefully you will notice that your DADA and Herbology homework are due soon. SO DO IT!
On a lighter note, I think it's time to congratulate our top five! Remember to pester them for help or advice if you're feeling a little lost, with the prestige comes the duty. Make them work for it!
Our top five are:
sweetpinkpixie - 362
Macavity - 235
HOPEendures - 210
affy7ann - 200
nups21 - 175
I have faith in you my young Lions, I know what you are capable of, and I know that TOGETHER--UNITED, WE can achieve anything. ROAR ROAR GRYFFINDOR! OOC: LOOK HERE NOW! (BOO) Hey everyone! DADA and Herbology HW are due TUESDAY THE 21ST!.. so .. soon. Great news is: only a small number of Hufflepuffs have submitted their homework for Herbology as well as one Claw and OMG ONLY ONE LION!!!... So YOU there. GO! AND WRITE ME AN ESSAY! If you weren't in class, pretend that you were. Remember this is the perfect opportunity for us to get closer to snatching up 3rd place from the Snakes. Happy learning, have fun!
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