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Team ronmione
"But house-elves don't have wands. And I don't think Kurumi would be glad to see you using house elves as protection." Oh well, what could he do about that. Then he reminded himself that a good whack to the head with a metal pan could seriously knock someone out for minutes. "Though, those pots and pans could seriously inflict some heavy damage to someone,so it's all good." He might as well agree with her to some extent.
He couldn't help but smirk. There was only one person named Adam Burn. And even if there was another person named Adam Burn, well, say the name and 'skirt chaser' Adam will come into mind first. "I need to brush up on my Disney stuff.." Adam said pointing at her. Maybe she can give him a quick over view on a movie or t.v. show or something.
His hands stopped moving around when he realized Sammy might've thought he'd be spazzing out. "Oh," He said laughing as he pointed at his hands. "I was just gesturing that it'd be a -that you don't have to buy a parrot or monkey at all. Just some crazy idea that had popped into my head."
"Yeah but they can apparate in and out of Hogwarts. And if it all gets real bad I can ask one of them really nicely to take me home." Sammy said. There were no flaws to her plan, anyone who disagreed was crazy. She shrugged at the mention of Kurumi
"I don't know her, why should I care whether she approves of my awesome plans or not" she said. That's like saying that she cared what the creepy guy in the Leaky Cauldron thought of how excited she got when it wasn't raining.
"I hadn't even thought of those" she said, mentally adding it to the escape plan.
THIS WAS OBVIOUS. She thought she ought not to go into a whole lecture about Disney because she could feel the tips of her fingers losing feeling so instead she merely said
"Well I could lend you some. I have basically all the animated Disney movies and quite a lot of the non-animated ones. Or you could come over in the summer and have a Disney marathon or something?" she offered. She usually had have Disney marathons with her sister, which sucked big time. Because she always wanted to watch the crappy ones. If she had a Disney marathon with someone who was a bit behind on Disney she would be able to pick the best movies.
Oh. Okay. Cool. Now what. She wanted to move on from the idea of buying Everett anything. Made her feel like she was giving into that poodle hair.
"Uh, can you help me look for the owl? The sooner I find it the sooner I can find a warm spot in the castle again" she asked, indicating at the ton of owls behind her.