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Old 02-19-2012, 12:39 AM
Juliet Raphael Juliet Raphael is offline
Default Aethonan Riding Date: Breese Summers and Ashley Green

The dark-red-brick stable stands out clearly against the snow-covered landscape. Through the windows and open doors, you can make out the shapes of horses’ heads peering over their stall doors to see what fascinating creature might pass by next. To the right and left of the stable and curving back behind it is a large paddock, and the many creatures present within make you realize this is not a stable for ordinary horses. These chestnut-colored creatures are known as Aethonans, a breed of winged horses native to Great Britain and Ireland.

Once you take all this in, you will then notice two Aethonans standing a little ways apart from their fellows in the stable and paddock. You will then notice that these two are staring expectantly at you and your date. Next to them is a bright pink sign that tells you these are the Aethonans you two will be riding for your date made by Ms. Juliet Raphael’s Matchmaking Service. The creatures are already saddled and bridled, so all you have to do is hop on and let the winged horses take you from there. Both of them are very well trained and calm, and it is highly unlikely that you will fall or get hurt while riding them (as for extra safety measures, the saddles have been charmed to help you keep your balance and stay in the saddle until you choose to dismount or until the Aethonans come back to the stable (i.e. at the end of the date)). In addition, saddlebags have been provided that contain a couple warm blankets (which have also been charmed for extra warmth). There may even be a Snuggie in there if you don’t mind being seen in public (well, with your date) in one. A thermos that has been charmed to fill up with anything from hot chocolate to coffee has also been provided in the saddlebag.

Once you mount them, the Aethonans will take you down a scenic wintry trail full of snow- and ice-laden trees and bushes and a few frozen creeks and streams here and there. At one point, you’ll even pass by a small frozen waterfall. Everything seems to glitter and glow in the sunlight that constantly breaks through the thin, wispy clouds in the sky. Feel free to make a few stops if you want to look at something more closely.

After awhile, you will reach an open, flat, snow-covered area, and here is where you have an important decision to make. If you wish to see what the beautiful countryside looks like from the sky, the Aethonans will take a graceful running leap into the sky. If you prefer to stay close to the ground, simply lean back just a little in the saddle and the Aethonans will continue down the trail. Either way, you will eventually end up back at the stable at the end of your date, where you can dismount, give the Aethonans a few sugar lumps from a nearby floating bowl, and – hopefully – arrange a second date later if you enjoyed your time here with your match. (And we do hope you enjoyed your time!)