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Taylor frowned, "Sorry to hear that..... if you dont mind me asking do you know where your actual father is or even know who he is?" Tay felt bad for the way she talked about her mother after hearing that... "Well yeah, i guess she did, and she treated me good." She glanced down, "She said that she heard that Father, Trin and i were dead and that she didnt know we were alive until Father show up and called her in London. We thought she was dead all these years......" Tay trailed off.
"Yeah i just met my real dad before this term started." Maxwell said with a smile. "It seems, at least to me that the important thing is that your mother loves you, also it seems like her not being there was a misunderstanding, and you can't hate her for that. believe me i tried to hate my father but it wasn't his fault and i couldn't do it." Maxwell said feeling bad that he had ever doubted his father.