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Jonathan was batting a thousand spotting anyone who appeared to be his date, or even finding anything really of interest as he wandered around the flea market. Oh he sooo should have remembered to bring the picture with him but had figured he'd be able to remember the face. It was a skill of his profession after all. There were all sorts of items on tables and displays including a few that made him back away slowly and smile weakly at the person behind it.
Really...who would want a semi-used sketchbook that had supposedly been used by a famous Flemish artist? The woman's grandchild more likely if the quality of the drawings were any indication.
He was just turning from one stall to head to another when he came face to face...or rather upper back of head to face with a woman as she backed into him. "Woah...might want to be careful of others when you move, especially backwards" he replied as he reached out instinctively to lightly grab her arms in case of falling. The auror letting her go once he was sure she was stable.
No, the person couldn't be one of the people behind the table. Could he??? Shaking her head she figured probably not, because that'd be a bit awkward.
Hey, nice to meet you. Be right back gotta help a customer! Yeah, the guy couldn't be the person in the photo. Ok, now how on earth did you find the person when you didn't even have their name!
This was just weird. What was she supposed to do, ask people if they had seen the person in her picture? She was about to turn around when she bumped into someone who started speaking to her. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" she said startled catching herself before falling, then turning to face the person. She'd noticed his hand momentarily smiling at the kindness.
"I...I thought I saw..." Wait saw him? The picture in her hand, she thought looked quite remarkably like the person infront of her. "The person in the picture I got." She finished. Ok, now that sounded just weird. "I mean, I'm supposed to be meeting someone...here." Duh, people usually didn't go to flea markets alone, right? Normally Ali went with her, but well Ali didn't know she was going to meet someone as a blind date.
She'd probably think Stef was being a bit flighty again and too trusting. "I'm Stef." she said with a smile. Ok, maybe she was too trusting.