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Old 02-16-2012, 02:29 AM   #150 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh View Post
This was all very exciting for Dartanian, because he'd finally be capable of going back home, even if it was for work. He raised he's brow when the man had said that, they would be leaving a week from tomorrow. That was quite soon, but Dart didn't mind. In fact the sooner the better for him. The only thing he would miss would probably be he's big sister that he was staying with. He really did care for her, he just didn't like her annoying little children, but luckily they had been at Hogwarts for the time being. There was one other person he thought he'd miss, which was Amy, but he knew he'd see her again soon.

He he, Dart expected this, which was why he wasn't surprised at all. Anyone would choose him over any other people because he thought he was simply the best. He gave the Gavin man another nod and then gave Katrina one too. "Of coorse, you wood. I em obveeosly ze bezt men there iz." said Dart going on again with he's arogancy.
When Dart spoke Gavin's jaw just dropped. He nearly facepalmed as well. He couldn't help it! The best man there iz erm is? How could he be so arr...

Originally Posted by HJPotter View Post
Jack addressing Gavin and Elizabeth."If Elizabeth is all right with it I'll team up with her."
Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
Elizabeth looked up at the sound of her name. She smiled, "I would be honored Jack."
Nodding he smiled at the two of them. Excellent pair he thought, he'd seen them chatting a few times in the office, it's good to have someone you feel comfortable working and talking with. Marking down the two on the page, "Alright, thank you!"

Now...Dart. How in Merlin's name was he supposed to try to explain to him, that it wasn't that he was the best man there is, that he spoke French better then anyone else it appeared in the meeting, with a strong french accent. "Erm, yes you are the best here with the accent and language." Maybe he was the best man for the job, Gavin didn't know. He barely had met the guy, and so far talking with him had made Gavin want to facepalm twice now!