Stephanoodle || Adorable Nerd Quote:
Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMckay OOC: Sorry for any confusion. My OOC comment last night was in reference to off topic chatter, and not to do that. It didn't mean you couldn't go ahead and start practice - YOU CAN. Please do, if that's what any of you were waiting for.
Oh, not a question, but some help was needed. Folding her sleeves back again, so they didn't get caught, Isabelle wandered over to the girl. "Of course I can help, which bit are you confused on? Here, give me your hand and I'll show you how it's done."
Isabelle took hold of the girls wand hand very gently, and pointed her wand downwards, directly towards the desk. "Now what you do is go clockwise three times slowly, as you say the spell. And with each circle you make, move you wand upwards and away from the thimble, like so." Slowly she moved her hand round in one circle, then pulled it up a little as she made the next circle. Then the same again as the did the last circle. "See? It's not as hard as it could look on first viewing. Go ahead and try it a few times before putting it together with the incantation if you're not sure." "Any more lack of concentration and care and I shall be forced to take points from you. Somebody could get hurt." Carelessness causes injury. After the professor helped her, it didn't seem complicated anymore. As she practiced the spell some more, she got the idea of it! When she just practiced the wand movements. Then she tried the incantation the first time. It didn't work at first. Then a second time, she was almost there. Then the third time, it worked! She did it three clockwise spins and each one she moved farther and upward. She said "Floreneo!" Then a red vase with a little style appeared. "Yay Professor i did it!" Annabelle smiled happily! |