Originally Posted by
Nordic Witch
Edvard flexed with his arms as he fell backwards trying to regain his balance, but he was unsuccessful since he smacked right into Gemma Cerulean who had just arrived at the party wondering what was going on and they together crashed into Professor Magnus who was the unlucky person who had to deal with the weight of two adults coming at her. It was a recipe destined for disaster.
The professor was startled as someone fell into her...and the next thing she knew she was on the ground...o wait no...was she laying on top of someone with someone on top of her...o how she hated people sandwiches especially when they were unplanned and when she was the meat in between the bread...
She instantly start squirming hoping not to hurt anyone but she was being SMOOSHED!...and she couldn't breath...and she still wasn't sure who she was laying on and was that Edvard on top of her...was this a joke....had she missed the tackle Gemma memo...
Ummmm...Edvard...could you kindly GET OFF OF ME..." yes she said it sternly but in the nicest sternness ever heard..."
I don't like my view from the ground..." and then it hit her...what if the students, or even one of the new
hottie professors had seen this...instantly her face began to turn a deep shade of red...
And then a student walked up and didn't even offer them help....o goodness....