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Oakey had a sigh of relief when he saw that they were just turning the thimbles into flower vases. That shouldn't be to hard he thought thimbles were kind of like mini vases with the way they were shaped. The wand movements looked difficult though. Oakey smiled when Kurumi joked about melting her thimbles. That'll be less then how many I'll probably melt. he joked. Oakey inched his desk up an inch or two to see what Kurumi had put in here notebook. Rumaging through his things he pulled out his note pad and quill. Do you mind if I put that in mine? He asked holding up his note pad to her. He set it back down and poorly recreated what Kurumi had put in hers.
Kurumi managed to giggle at Oakey's response. She liked this Hufflepuff and was glad that he hadn't been eaten a plant in his first year. Of course, Kurumi had only heard rumors about that, having not been there herself, but she was glad nonetheless. That Ravenclaw Quidditch captain had been a weird one anyway. "
I am sure you will do just fine," she nodded. He would probably have to calm her down the way things were going. "
You mean my notes?" she asked, pushing them a little closer to him to be able to see. "
Of course not, go right ahead." Although, her notes were a little...incomplete at the moment. Her mind was rather distracted.
Glancing back at Professor Magnus now, Kurumi raised her hand. Best to try and ask questions that would prevent her from doing too much unnecessary melting, right? "
Professor, it sounded like there was just a little bit of inflection at the end of the spell when you said it. Do we need to place emphasis on any part of the spell, or it it more monotone?"