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"Wow," Tayla said, the smile still not leaving her face. "Just...wow. He's beautiful, Max," she said for the millionth time. Remembering what Maxwell had said at the beginning, she suddenly looked at him and said, "I'm sorry about your great-grandmother. I know you were still little but...I'm sorry anyway." Tayla had lost her grandfather three years ago and still felt sad about it sometimes. She loved her grandfather dearly.
"Since you introduced me to your pet, I should introduce you to mine, too. Just a minute. I'll go check if she's near..." Tayla stood and quickly ran up the girl's dormitory. After a few minutes, she came back down. There was a tawny owl perched on her arm.
"This is Marigold," Tayla began. "I got her when I was a first year. I named her Marigold because of the distinct golden feather she has right here." Tayla showed Maxwell what she meant. She let Marigold lift up her left wing, making the golden feather glint. "I also have a chocolate retriever named Cadbury, but he's back in the Muggle world, with my parents and little sister."
"It's all right, i barely knew her. In fact i cab barely remember her." He said speaking of his grandmother." He watched as Taylay ran up the stairs and smiled brightly as she returned with a Tawney Owl. Maxwell loved owls but with already having Helios he didn't have one of his own.
"She's beautiful, I always wanted an Owl!" He said enviously, Helios didn't appreciate this and squawked loudly. "No offence to you, old friend. I wanted a dog too but mum said they were too messy and she didn't really understand how to train them since they're not magic." He said laughing.