SPOILER!!: Jacques and Professor Romanos
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It seemed they would still be working together afterall. When the professor came around to tap his ear he almost laughed, that was funny since he was already deaf and nothing she could do would undo that. Holding his hand up to stop her he turned his hearing aid off and turned to Tayla and nodded to her. Too bad she couldn't sign because that would help them out perfectly. His speech was already a bit off and he had had years of practicing without hearing himself so it was probably unfair. Giving her a thumbs up -everyone understood that- he prepared himself. She would go first, he saw from her stance, she was in attack mode but knowing how to read body language he'd let her disarm him seeing that it might have been a shock if he magically could defend without hearing.
With his wand on the floor he gave a nod then went to get it. With it in his hand he gave her a nod and raised his brows before getting in position. With his left hand extended he used the right to sign ok to her, his index and thumb making an "O" while the other three fingers stuck up in the air. He wouldnt fire until she gave the go ahead and when she did he waved his right hand hoping to catch her attention then flicked the left saying "Expelliarmus!"
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Now that she was slowly gathering their attention, she gave a quick reassuring smile to Beatrice before speaking. Right. Short on time. "That was a good start. For everyone." Some freaked out, but that was okay. It was to be expected. "However, ve are very short on time, so I think ve'll come to a close here. If you have yet to take notes today, I'd suggest doing so now when everything is still fresh in your mind, whether it was on vot ve discussed earlier or just simply how it felt to duel vithout a sense, because you vill be having homework on this. I'll be posting it up on the noticeboard later today."
Yes, the dreaded homework. "Other than that, you are free to leave. Vell done, everyone." Hopping off the platform, she was JUST about to start cleaning up when she remembered. "OH! And Miss Hyde and Miss Hollingberry, if you two can stay behind please."
Tayla was glad her disarming spell had worked. She waited for Jacques to come back and ready his wand with his own spell. She was ready to perform a shield charm, but she got a bit distracted by a sudden sensation in her ear.
"Oh! Good one, Jacques!" she said as her wand flew out of her hand. She picked it up and realized she could hear again.
Realizing the lesson was over, Tayla came over to Jacques and thanked him.
"See you around, Jacques. Thanks for partnering with me." She smiled at the Slytherin boy once more and went to gather her things.
"Thanks for the class, Professor!" she waved at Professor Romanos and made a mental note to practice the spells some more.