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Was Kennedy...annoyed? He certainly sounded like it. Was it because she had smacked him twice? She hadn't meant to...she was currently blind as a bat. Not that bats were actually blind. It was quite the opposite really. Their eyes, while small and sometimes poorly developed, are also completely functional, not to mention the fact that they have excellent hearing and sense of smell. Perhaps the saying should be changed to "Keen as a Bat"? Yep, Kurumi was going to try and use that one more often she decided.
She nodded, not that he could see, and then sort of pushed herself off the ground. She then tried to use her keen cat-like senses to somehow HEAR her wand zooming through the air towards her, but had no such luck and heard nothing at all.
"OUCH!" she squeaked as she felt something jab her in the sides and then heard the soft clanging as something fell to the floor. HER WAND! It was near by... Back on all fours again, Kurumi searched around until she found her wand and jumped back to her feet. "I got it!" she chirped, turning to face the direction she THOUGHT Kennedy was, but she was really facing an entirely different one (in the direction of a CERTAIN Slytherin girl)
Now, where were here and Kennedy? "Was it your turn to cast the Disarming Spell?" she shouted over the other students in the arena.
"Sorry," Kennedy mumbled when he heard her. The wand must of have collided with her. Ooops. He heard the clang on the floor and since he was still on the ground he scooted backward...just in case.
After a while he stood up and blindly dusted his pants. Why... did Kurumi sound far from him? Had she already taken her stance? He was about to answer when...
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Now that she was slowly gathering their attention, she gave a quick reassuring smile to Beatrice before speaking. Right. Short on time. "That was a good start. For everyone." Some freaked out, but that was okay. It was to be expected. "However, ve are very short on time, so I think ve'll come to a close here. If you have yet to take notes today, I'd suggest doing so now when everything is still fresh in your mind, whether it was on vot ve discussed earlier or just simply how it felt to duel vithout a sense, because you vill be having homework on this. I'll be posting it up on the noticeboard later today."
Yes, the dreaded homework. "Other than that, you are free to leave. Vell done, everyone." Hopping off the platform, she was JUST about to start cleaning up when she remembered. "OH! And Miss Hyde and Miss Hollingberry, if you two can stay behind please."
One of the many things he learned today; he wasn't taking his sense of sight for granted...ever.
Because then he gets run over and smacked.
He gathered his things that weren't far from where he stood and blinked. Oh yeah, being able to see was glorious. "
Thanks for the lesson," he told Professor Romanos. It was the best DADA lesson he's had at Hogwarts so far.
- - - -
Kennedy turned back to Kurumi and grinned.
"Thanks for being my partner," he said.
"See you later." He didn't even mind the smack on the face now. He heard the professor tell the lion girl to stay behind so he went ahead and left.
Hopefully next lesson they'd be able to duel, but with a wider range of spells. Now, THAT would be fun too.