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''Uh-oh! You really are a sleepy head this morning, ain't you?'' Jo exclaimed while pouring looking for wand in her robes to clean the mess up. ''Thanks anyway''. She quickly poured the syup on her panckae with the other hand and stretched that arm towards the ickle first year, ''There you go dear'', she said with a smile. ''Now what to do with this'', said said with a 'sigh' in her voice, turning back to where the juice had been spilt.
Yawning, Alex searched for her wand and when she found it (for down her sock) she waved it over the scene and everything instantly sorted itself out. meaning the juice jug was refilled and the stain in the table cloth was gone. Confirming everything was okay the thrid year turned to Jo.
"So what are you doing today?" she asked eyeing up the fresh rack of toast that had apeared.