Anybody? Violet feels good! Pokémon Artist Little Miss Hufflepuff
Violet grinned as she left her dorm. Yes, she was back. The Huffie couldn't stay there forever, anyway. Violet would have to get over living with Rupert and Holli. They weren't bad people, but she just missed her parents. Her long, blonde hair was tied up (she'd tried to tidy herself up and dump the bedhead style) and she was wearing jeans and a funky t-shirt. Violet couldn't wait to see her friends again, that was the trouble with hiding away from everyone. She was also holding a tray of newly-baked cupcakes, some of which had little messages in strawberry icing. The rest were covered thickly in it with rainbow sprinkles. "Hello, everyone!" Violet addressed the crowd in general, in a sing-song voice.
Last edited by errolROCKS; 02-13-2012 at 09:32 PM.