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Tayla listened to Maxwell but kept her eyes on the phoenix. She had never seen an actual phoenix before. When Maxwell asked if she would like to pet Helios, Tayla grinned and nodded. She slowly stretched her arm towards the bird. "Hello there, Helios," she said softly. She carefully touched the bird's feathers and gently stroked them. Tayla couldn't stop smiling. "This is amazing!"
Tayla remembered the scar Maxwell had on his palm. "Why do you have that? Did he land on your hand or something?"
"Yes, i got these when we first met, at my great-grandmother's funeral. He'd burst into flames and i was maybe 3 or 4 so i ran up to the ashes and pulled him from them, He rose from them a baby bird so he could fit in the palm of my hand and was hot to the touch so he burned me, and ever since then he's been my friend." Maxwell said with a smile.