♥ Belive ♥ Slytherin ♥ 08/01/14 ♥ Quote:
Originally Posted by Green Ninja Jotting some notes down on the paper he had infront of him as people spoke he put a few names in some boxes as well. Looking up as someone walked in and immediately took a seat looking embarrassed. Nodding he just smiled gently at him. The meeting had been a surprise, and unexpected. Plus he wasn't all that concerned now, they had a good group that was getting ready to go to France. Did they want a small group though...or a big one. And if it was smaller who would they need to leave out? He'd hate to tell someone no because this was an experience for all of them!
Listening as the others spoke giving their various abilities in speaking French he continued to take a few more notes "It appears that we have a good amount of those who speak French. What I'd like to see is at least one person who is fluent in French to be in the shop as much as possible throughout the day. So in the least: Sophie, Nicole, Dart, Angela, and Elizabeth would be in there at least once. We don't want you to be alone however. We want everyone to at least be in pairs for safety reasons."
"I'd also like to have one of you that are fluent "Dart, Elizabeth, or maybe Nicole to join Katrina and myself when we go in." Biting his lip a little as he looked at the paper again "We want a couple others to go in as well. Those who are fluent in French would be listening to see if they can determine anything that's being said in French that the rest of us may or may not catch. The others I'd like to be shopping asking questions about the portkeys and testing even if you can."
Looking around at each of them again he flipped to the next page. "Does anyone have a preference as to what part you'd like to play? We'll be going to outside of Marseille in the southern section of the city. There's a building down the block and around the corner from the La Uincaillerie which is the shop we are aiming for. It portrays itself as a rundown hardware store to muggles, so yes we will need to be careful about magic, this is in the muggle part of Marseille." As Gavin talked about who would go in pairs and about being in the shop that day, Nicole listened closely making sure she didn't miss anything. Nicole never been to France yet, but of she knew French well she couldn't have a problem at all. She smiled a little and said, "I don't mind what part I play at all." she really don't mind at all, any would work. Nicole continued to listen as he said what part of France they would be in and how it's a muggle part of Marsellie. She also wrote down a few notes down so she could refer to them later just in case.
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