Thread: DADA Lesson Two
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Old 02-11-2012, 05:46 PM   #592 (permalink)
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Maryadoc Trent
Welcome Witch | Blue Galactic Hand Slytherin Graduate

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
What?! She was being placed with the babies?! Sierra frowned at that, but seeing as she apparently had a choice, she raised her hand. "Professor? Would I be able to do this the other way around? Go with the sightless people, maybe?" she asked. She lowered her hand and pointed to her partner. "We both ended up in the same group anyway--first to fourth years."
Ya, it would make sense if the people who all lost their sight went togeather. She said to the Professer. So her partner wanted to loose her sight, that was cool, Olivia would rather loose her hearing then be blinded anyway.

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
As the final few were spreading out, Medea started to move to the left side of the room. Before she started to taking away senses though, she made sure to start with instructions. Would be no use for her to speak when the younger students couldn't hear a thing. "Older students, try and remember where your partner stands as of this moment, and please, all of you, do not move around too much from your spot." She didn't need someone walking into the line of someone else's spell. "Remember! Use just the disarming and shield spells only. Any other spell used vill result in punishment. Last but not least, have fun vith this."

Smiling and moving from student to student, she either tapped each side of their head near their ears with a nonverbal spell to make them momentarily deaf to surrounding noises or she used the more known obscuro spell to blindfold the older students. Once she was done, she hopped up to the dueling platform so she had a better view of everyone in the room, and they had a better view of her.

"Again. JUST the disarming and shield spells." Older students would have heard her. Younger students, not so much. "You may start!" She held two thumbs up to benefit the students that couldn't hear her as a signal to go.

OOC: Use of the Disarming and Shield Charms ONLY.

1st - 4th Years = No sense of SOUND
5th - 7th Years = No sense of SIGHT. You are all blindfolded.

It is alright to be disoriented and not get things right on the first couple of tries. Perhaps your aim is off or you can't say the spell correctly because you can't hear yourself speak. No one is perfect. It is okay. The Professor will be keeping a close eye on things, so please, no fatal injuries. And perhaps no drastic damage to the arena either. It's rather sturdy.

I'll give you a few days to RP, and we'll come to a close on things around the 13th.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Oh. Good. Now she wasn't stuck with the babies anymore. Fourth years really shouldn't be in the same group as the ickles firsties anyway. "Thank you, Professor," Sierra confidently said, proud to now be a part of the older group, with the more experienced duelers.

...but then a moment later, the whole room went dark, and Sierra heard nothing at all. She waited a moment, hoping the professor would realize what happened, but then she never regained her sight of sound. WHAAAAAA. *insert panic*

Sierra spun around then, and accidentally stumbled over her own two feet. Was she even near the professor anymore?! If she'd spun completely around, which she was sure she had, she was now facing her partner, right? Right. Little did she know, but she was facing the exact direction the professor was in. "Expelliarmus!" she said, giving her wand a 'd' motion.
Olivia suddenly went deaf and paniced for a moment, when she came to her sences, she saw her partner spinning arround. Hahaha Olivia laughed when she cast expelliarmus at the professer just dont loose any points!. Holly Merlin, Olivia couldnt here herself talk! How would she know if she even did! She did not intervene with the spell cause she wanted to see the professers reaction, and diddnt want to loose points.

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