Originally Posted by
InTheirBadnessReign Umm yeah I can give it a go!
Okay, awesome!
Like I said, it's just different charries so they don't have to err look like they're together or something. *can't express herself very well tonight* xD
1. I would like a.......Siggie, please
2. With this text.........just their names, please. "Nancy" "Melanie" "Jeremy" "Alysson" "Valentina" "Lewis"
3. With these images........N a n c y, M e la ni e, Je r e m y, A ly s s on, Va len ti na, Lewis
4. I would like this size............450x150? Something like that. Can be higher too.
5. Any other comments.......see above. Other than that, if you have any problems or questions or something just let me know. Please choose any pics you want.
Thank youuuuu! <333