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Kurumi sighed. She knew that Adam knew. That wasn't the point. "My point exactly," she said, pointing at him. "So it shouldn't surprise you that it is changing colors." She folded her arms across her chest now, eyeballing space between her, her trunk, Adam, and the stairs leading up to the dorms. She could probably make it past him if she just abandoned her trunk and came back for it in the morning.
Compliments? It didn't compliment anything. It made everything worse. "No Adam, I can't tell you because there is nothing wrong with me to tell," she said dropping her trunk to the ground now. "Even if there was, I wouldn't tell you." No, Adam, you had not earned that spot in her lift yet. "Now, will you please move?" Her small frame was starting to shake a bit from rage and frustration. She had just left that drama and had been trying to put it all past her for a little to at least pretend that her life was normal for a moment.
It's surprising me that its changing into dark colors. From you I'd expect those bright colors, red, and green and blue. You know, happiness, peace, love, but black. Why black?" he further pointed out towards her. She was trying to hide something, but her hair was giving it away. Now he just wanted to know why it had changed colors, but she wouldn't budge. It deeply bothered him that she wouldn't peep up at all. Whatever it was, if she held it in more it'd be too much and she'd just burst from keeping it bottled in. "
There is something and you don't want to tell me. Fine. If you don't want to tell me go tell someone else. Selina, or Jonathan. Whatever it is you can't just store it all up in you."
Maybe she was looking at it all wrong. "
Telling someone might help you rather than hurt you. They can comfort you and just be there for you and try to help you the best they can."