Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna Quote:
Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose Nobody seemed to hear Oakey's plea for a partner. After a few minutes, he even considered pairing up with his Pygmy Puff, Batman. WWW would be fine with that right? Oakey would even nickname himself Robin to authenticate the pairing.
Oakey starred at Batman for a few more minutes contemplating if this would work out. Batman starred back with his/her big cuddly looking eyes. aww you're just so cute... wait what was he saying Batman isn't cute Batman strikes fear in the hearts of the Pygmy Puff Criminal Under Belly!
Then he heard another boy. Gideon a 5th year Gryffindor. Oakey remembered seeing him from time to time in some of the other classes he was in as well. Hey there..uhhh Gideon...I still need a partner too if you wanna work together? was it okay to call Gideon by his name? They hadn't formally met yet, but Oakey knew him by name so what was the harm. It seemed at first he was gonna fail in the whole partner attempt when a younger Hufflepuff boy approached him without a partner himself. "Aye...sure," he answered offering a small smile as he tried to think of the boy's name seeing as he apparently knew him by name but his mind came up blank. Gideon guess seeing him just in passing around the castle and in classes, he hadn't had too much dealing with his companion in question. He just hoped, the hufflepuff hadn't been one of the ones he had had a lot of trouble with in charms class. "I'm have me at a disadvantage," Gideon remarked looking appologetic.
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