Post #1 The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Lewis had figured that now that he was on the Quidditch Team - - he should probably know all about cleaning brooms and stuff. He had even got his own broom for Christmas! So he could practice cleaning a broom on a school broom today so he could do it correctly on his own later. Which he was going to treasure like a...well, a treasure.
Nodding to himself he went to the front to get a bucket and poured a cup of the concentrated cleaner into it. He then walked back to where he had left his bag and one of the school brooms, set the bucket on the floor and sat down next to it. Right, water next. "Aguamenti." Lewis said with his wand pointed into the bucket. Half way, half way, half way, half wa-
OOOH, that was a little too much! "Finite!" He said forcefully, pulling his wand out of the bucket again quickly, splashing a little bit of water onto his pants before the spell stopped it coming out of the tip of his wand. Great, now his pants were wet. At least it wasn't as cold in here as it was outside. |