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Old 02-10-2012, 07:51 PM   #142 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Worcs, England, UK
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Helga Granger
Third Year

Originally Posted by Little Trooper View Post
Keylee shook Bella's hand "Nice to meet you Bella, I'm Keylee" She replied to the pretty girl in front of her. Keylee hoped that they would be great friends cause she knew she could use a good friend she never had a really good friend. Keylee retruned the grin. " I hope to we can be great friends"
"You're name it's so pretty! Bella knew that a compliment could go miles, she learnt that from her parents. Her smile faded slightly, but then came back almost as quick as it had disappeared. Bella went back to humming, peacfully. She went into her briefcase. Pulled out a picture of her parents and her brother. Both tragically killed. Her brother killed at war. He was a muggle like there parents and fought for the country in some muggle war. She propped the photographs onto her desk and sat down in the wheelie chair.
"Episkey" I fix whats broken.
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