Following the students in to the barn, Daichi shivered at the cold outside but felt relieved when he found out that it was nice and warm inside.the barn. It seemed that the Professor had not lied to him when he had told lesson was going to this place.
He wrapped the scarf around his neck and let it hang loosely over his shoulders. His hair was sticking EVERY direction for he had been ruffling.his hair in front.of the mirror before He hated it that peole were always ruffling his hair and now they couldn't do it anymore for it already was a mess! He is such a genius!
"Hello Professor Wiliamson" he greeted the man with a warm yet shy smile and bowed politely. He listened to his words and since he did not have.a puff he started to look for one.
His dark brown eyes caught a grey looking pygmy puff in one of the corners and Daichi's heart melted. He smiled as he walked to the other side and picked the grey puff up before walking to somewhere to sit.
As he wrote down his information, the Pygmy puff that he had placed on his shoulder, was snuggling close to his neck and Daichi giggled at the tickling fur.
Originally Posted by card
Name: Daichi Katharos
Year: 3rd
House: Slytherin
Puffie: Ducky Duck!