Tristan entered the barn, checking his watch. Yup, this was the place. But it seemed empty. Well, except for the professor of course. Tristan was sure he was just a tad bit early. The boy gave a little wave in acknowledgement, ignoring the knots starting to bind in his stomach. Maybe they would go away if he didn't say anything?
Wandering over to the pen, the boy peered inside. Pygmy.... puffs? Is that what they were called? Some of the girls in his house had them. From what he could tell, they were some kind of a wizarding pet, though he thought they looked more like over-sized, long haired hamsters. He hoped he wasn't allergic to them. Tristan was already allergic to dogs and cats.
Following the lead of another girl that had entered, he scooped up a Pygmy Puff from the pen and sat down to create a name card. The little thing stared up at him with shining eyes and ruffled orange fluff. Heh. He liked this one. But it appeared that they were supposed to name them. ERM. Huh. He was going to have to think on that one.
Name: Tristan Bryant
Year: 2nd
House: Slytherin
Pygmy Puff: Aristotle