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The ball bounced off William's face and he just laugheeeeeed. "Seriously though, you're not denying it! The woman has issues, Oliver. She's not a people-person like you are." He did like Althea, though she also had her moments of insanity... come to think of it, a lot of women were like that. Crazy.
"What? Wait what? You think... she's gonna think... I'm a player???!" He raised his brows as his voice went up a bit. "No way, man, no way. I'm no... Edvard." Will gestured with his hand dismissively. "If anyone's the player, the uh, that article thing makes HER out to be the flirt!" Really! Horrible thing. It was wrong on so many levels.
Of course he wanted to know all of it. So William shrugged for starters. "We had some drinks. Cece had a lot of drinks. Then she wanted to dance, so we danced, and uh, uh," his face started to redden as usual, turning pink from the ears on in, "it was a slow song, and when it was over......."
Meep! "She kissed me on the cheek." He was surprised he remembered and even more surprised that he was still embarrassed by the memory.
Oh Merlin, he was worse than that bloody gossip rag he brought with him.
"Bloody hell William, you make it sound as though we're about to get married or something. We had a few drinks and talked." He was not going to mention that they had those drinks at Thea's house. His friend would probably hyperventilate at that little tidbit.
"And anyway what's wrong with trying something different?" Yes Thea, was not his usual type but since it was not-a-date, what did it matter?
Oliver needed to go and hang out with Edvard. It seemed he was getting all the chicks.
"It does indeed. Imagine having to show her that." He gave his friend a look and shuddered.
"I'd hate to be in your shoes." Haha. That should freak him out.
He nodded his head as William told him what had happened with Cece, waiting for him to get to the good parts which of course there wasn't any.
"Is that it?" He was going red over a kiss on the cheek?
"You didn't say something stupid, did you?"