She was listening to Presley answer Elliot's questions when all of a sudden the girl turned around and lashed into her. Hannah's blood automatically boiled. She didn't care who you were or how pure your blood was nobody was going to talk to Hannah like that. Not to mention that she couldn't be
that noble with a muggle as a mother. It usually wouldn't bother her so much whether or not other people's parents were pureblood, but this girl did ask her how her
parents felt did she not? Sure she shared her parents views on the matter, but if someone did not want to know something then why ask?
"Being married to a wizard and knowing about us is different from exposing to the general population about us." Which was true and besides she didn't really care what this girl thought. Presley isn't anything to her. She wasn't going to apologize for how she felt. It wasn't
her fault that her father married a muggle.
Hannah was not somebody that was going to go with the flow. She believes in what she believes in and that's that. She wasn't even trying to be rude to the girl. She was over it now though. She was acting as if she was ranting on about her mother personally. Once she was told that her mother was a muggle she would have let the subject drop but not after she went off the deep end.
"I wasn't speaking to you any kind of asked me a question and I answered." Surely this girl did not think that life was always rainbows and sunshine. People were not always going to have the same views or opinions. Hannah wasn't going to change her views to appease anyone. That much she was sure of. Hannah was done with the foolish girl. So she stared her down before turning to Elliot.
SPOILER!!: Elliot
Elliot raised her eyebrows at Presley with s smirk on her face, which was meant to tell the other girl that she understood. Hmm. Preset didn't know how she felt about Hannah yet, she could tell. Pity, really. Hannah was a lot like Elliot.
It didn't surprise Elliot that Mr. Black agreed with Darius about the cult. Afterall, they were in the same circle of friends. What DID surprise was Leo's opinion. He disagreed with his father? How weird. Darius would never allow that.
"How...interesting," she commented.
What also surprised her was the fact that Hannah's parents were against the cult. But she supposed that the reasoning behind it was good enough. However, she doubted this comment from comment would earn any like from Presley. Her mother had been a muggle, afterall. Hmm. If it suddenly got quite fun that would be.
Mysterious jobs? Sounded like Elliot's dad! Except he didnt work for the ministry...he had his own business.
"Oh, my mother always says her job is maintaining her household and her children. So, in other words, she doesn't have one, either," she replied as she rolled her eyes. " my father, too, has a mystery job. But I think we have some type of family business...."
Elliot wondered what Presley's dad did...she couldn't remember. She knew Leo worked at the ministry, though.
As she looked at Elliot she couldn't even remember what she had said at first still fuming about the silly Presley girl...noble blood....right! She wondered for a moment how Elliot could be friends with such a person and then she thought back to Diagon Alley when she had met another girl that wasn't sure her blood and realized that it didn't matter because they had gotten on so well. Makes no difference now she would never be ok with someone talking to her like that. Ahh yes it was coming back to her...their mothers.
Your mom sounds a lot like my mom." Which is a lot more than she could say about Presley's mom. Then Hannah stood there because she was not going to let Presely run her off and she sure wasn't intimidated!