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Old 02-09-2012, 03:12 AM   #152 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Laura had just got up when she was tackled by her best friend Zhenya. "I'm sorry I've been ill, I've been in bed in the Hufflepuff Common Room for the past week, I didn't want too go to the Nurse, she is evil, I'm sure of it." Laura giggled as she spoke about the evil nurse, well she wasn't here too tell her off.
"Oh, that sucks," Zhenya said. "Are you... contagious? Coz... go away if you are," she joked, then hugged her just to show her she didn't care about bugs. Then she laughed at her comment about the school nurse, "Well I've never met her before... so I have no idea what she is like, but you're better now!"

Originally Posted by DeathEater1 View Post
"Yeah yeah yeah!It was super fun!"Cardigan said,remebering back to the quidditch match.Issac fell off his broom,Kimalia was knocked unconscious;boy was that a hectic game!Yet fun...
"My cheek still feels sort of bruised when I move it too much or poke it," she replied. That bludger REALLY hurt!! "Hopefully we win next match! I'm super excited for practice coming up soon. Well hopefully."

Originally Posted by alchemist_18 View Post
Raven didn't answer her question. She only showed her binocular to Zhenya since it was smaller than telescope. She was lazy to bring the big telescope one. It's too heavy.

"Wanna spot the baloon together?" she asked. Then she set up her stuff beside Zhenya.

Raven was surprised when Zhenya pulled her. Ghost stories? Well, it's not bad. Ghost was a common thing for wizards, right? Hope it would be interesting and they didn't tell her about silly-sparkle-vampire story.
"Hmm sure," she said to Raven. There didn't seem to be ghost stories here anyway. She stood up and set her telescope up next to Raven and started looking for balloons. But a minute after she hadn't spotted any, so she started looking up at the stars.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
When another girl joined them, Kurumi sort of waved her arms, "No ghost stories for now. It all rumors anyway. What we SHOULD do is all get out our telescopes at the stars."
"OH! Come on Kurumi, just a little one?" Zhenya asked sweetly. Well, she liked ghost stories but she wasn't going to MAKE her tell one. And she was right, it wasn't a ghost stories sleepover party. Though that would be good. It was a balloon spotting sleepover party.

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