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I really don't think you have to catch my wand Alyssa. . She handed his wand back to him and seemed have ignored his plea not to win over his wand. After Sierra won his wand over during the capture the flag game in charms class Oakey became overly protective of his wand.
The streaming bright light came towards him once more and hit his right shoulder! His right arm shot up and his wand released from his hand above his head. Oakey starred it down as his wand made its decent like an infielder in a game of muggle baseball would a pop fly.
Reaching his arm back out he let his wand drop right back into his hand and gripped it firmly. Nice one, Alyssa. He called across to her.
I'm sorry. I hope that I didn't hurt you again. Well it's your turn now for you to practice the spell. I'm ready whenever you are."Alyssa called out to Oakey.