SPOILER!!: Taylor, Lily and Ella
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Cassandra Taylor nodded, "That would be cool." She smiled, "Of course he is a wizard." Tay chuckled even though he havent shown any signs of being a wizard since he was about a month or two old.
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Hermione Lily Potter
Lily grinned towards Taylor. She was glad to hear that Taylor had a decent break and was able to visit with baby Lucas. "
Won't that be so cool when we are full wizards and Lupin is at school. and if baby Lucas is a wizard also, maybe Lupin and Lucas could be friends." Lily said grinning to herself at her own thoughts. Looking at Logan while sipping her hot cocoa, Lily smiled back. "
How have you been Logan? Did you have a good break?" Lily turned to see Angelina showing up. "
Hey Angelina, Did you bring your telescope?" Lily asked.
Smiling at Professor Roslund, Lily nodded at his comment about the perfect night. "I will do that, Professor. I'm hoping to be able to find Orion... My dad always used to point that constellation out to us." Lily replied before the professor gave his speech. It sounded like it would be a good night, and maybe a chance to meet someone new, or catch up with other friends/acquaintances.
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Ella laughed as she listened to Cardigan, feeding off of her energy. How could she not be excited when Cardigan was so bouncy? Ella joined in her excitement and began to feel a bit bouncy herself. "I'm sure I'll be joining you with the hyperness!" she said with a smile. She was focusing on her balloon gazing when she saw Cardigan heading for the refreshment table. She smiled, thinking she'd have to make a food run herself soon as the cookies looked delicious!
Ella heard her name being called and looked up from her telescope to see Angelina a little ways away. She smiled and waved calling to her, "Hey Angelina! How's it going?"
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Cassandra To Angelina, "I'm doing okay. How is school?" She smiled. Violet only got a quick small smile from Taylor when she looked over again. She turned her attention back to Angelina, Lily and Logan.
Smiling Angelina asked Ella,
"It's going good, how about you?" Turning to Lily she held up he telescope and said,
"Yep," as she said this she held up her right hand which her telescope was in. Smiling at Taylor she answered with,
"School is going good, not to busy. What about you?"