Sorry that it's late >_< Talikins|Huffledor|Purple|Ted Velvet| |Lochnessie|Redhead|Bladger|⅓ Ferocious Trio
Dart was clearly distracted. He had taken another seat instead of the one he wanted, because according to this Gavin guy, the seat was for some wierd woman named Gina. All Dart could think about was Amy, he really did like her and couldn't wait to see her again. It was when someone mentioned the word France, that he got back into focus. "France?" he asked in he's strong French accent. "If France iz eenvolved I em in." He gave the Gavin man a nod. France was he's home country and he had been dying to get back there ever since he had arrived in England. He hated the place, He hated everything, he hated English people, English food..English everything. To him only French people and things we're important anything else didn't matter.