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"Just peaches why?" Nate gave her a curios look. Now he was wondering what was up with her. Which is really weird.
Ella couldn't stop the smile that was forming.
"Great!" was all she could say as she pulled her bag over to her side, rummaging inside. She looked back at Nate who was watching her curiously and laughed.
"I don't mean great that you are allergic to something, I mean great because I have something that can help you!" She continued to dig in her bag until she realized the vial of potion was in the front pocket
Duh! She pulled it out and handed it to Nate, a smile on her face.
"There. That's the potion we made in class and it's supposed to help you stop being allergic to whatever you're allergic to. In your case I guess that's peaches." She smiled.