Join Date: Sep 2005 Location: [GMT + 1]
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Rose Snakebark Gryffindor Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: JT Forsfelle Slytherin Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Ariadne Rose Hufflepuff Third Year Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley Ecological Protection x3
| Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Quote:
Originally Posted by Green Ninja Looking up as Professor Roslund walked over he smiled until he mentioned the quidditch match. Then he winced a little. "Uh, thank ye." he didn't think he had, and really hadn't liked the initiation process when he'd failed to catch the snitch. Being sent flying across the snow on his back hadn't been his idea of fun...
Nodding the smile appeared back on his face "Yeh, indeed I am. Me mum taught me lots about the stars and constellations especially when we were in Egypt with the clear open sky above us." Maybe Slytherin hadn’t turned out as the winner of the match but Professor Roslund still thought that they had all played well Isaac included. Listening intently to the boy as he spoke about stargazing Edvard beamed "Do you have your telescope with you Isaac? It’s a perfect night for stargazing or some balloon spotting." He added sheepishly. "Go grab a spot next to Ella before the good spots gets taken." He gestured towards the Hufflepuff girl who already had her telescope up and ready. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua She walked up where Professor Roslund was and said "Good Evening Professor Roslund! I'm excited that you are having this balloon spotting party for us, I don't think any other teacher would do it," with a bright smile. He was definitely one of her most creative Professors, which was always exciting and fun. Grinning as he heard Zhenya’s comment he turned to the Slytherin girl "Thanks for the compliment dear. I hope you’re dressed sensibly for the night I don’t want to get Healer Tillstorm on my case later for causing a cold outbreak." Professor Roslund gestured to the tent around "Go enjoy yourself Zhenya but make use of the light if you want to spot something with your telescope tonight." Quote:
Originally Posted by midnight_thestral Then Violet spotted the professor who had put the announcement up about the party. She waved to the professor who was wearing a navy blue night robes. "Good evening Professor. My, this is absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to get started." Ah another party enthusiast! "Good evening Violet. I like your enthusiasm. Did you find any balloons last lesson? It’s a good night tonight for spotting things. If you want to see a particular constellation or maybe a balloon.." Edvard said hinting that she should make use of the light. Quote:
Originally Posted by DeathEater1 Cardigan walked up to the sleepover`s location,appearing super pumped as a Blondie with high pigtails tied up with pight pink ribbons,silky light pink PJs,a Hot Pink dressing gown,light pink striped knee socks,and Hot Pink Toms could ever be!With her Telescope held firmly in her right hand,she entered the sleepover and decided to go say hello to Professor Roslund before getting something to eat or Balloon Gazing."Hello Professor Roslund!You`ve got yourself the best Balloon Gazing sleepover party ever!"She concluded as she giggled a tiny bit.It was true... The next student to greet him was a covered in pink from head to toe. Flashing her a smile he said "Good evening Cardigan. Thanks for the vote of confidence. Tell me if you still think it’s the best party tomorrow morning when you wake up after a night on the grounds." Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity
When he had reached it and stepped inside, he was amazed and amused by what he found under the purple fabric. Balloons abounded and anything else that might been needed was plentiful including food. Professor Roslund had certainly outdone himself with his planning and execution of the event. Gideon looked around for any familiar faces, however the only one he certainly knew was the professor himself.
Guess he was the first one to arrive. Though hopefully Selina might be interested seeing as she had certainly seemed to have a new-found liking of the subject. "Good Evening Professor," he greeted as he came near the man. "Good evening Gideon.." Professor Roslund greeted warmly “All set for the sleepover?” The fifth year looked bundled up and warm. "Anything special you’d hope to spot as you stargaze tonight?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassandra Taylor heard about the party and thought she might check it out. "Good evening professor." She nodded and smiled at Professor Roslund as she rubbed her arms. Tay was still cold despire her thick winter coat. "Good evening Taylor!" Professor Roslund greeted a rather cold looking and visibly shivering Ravenclaw girl. "Go over and warm yourself next to one of the heat pots and maybe drink some tea dear." He ordered her not wanting her to get sick after staying out on the grounds for one night. Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 "Hello Professor Roslund. I know that it gets cold during the winter nights, so I figured my blanket would come in handy. I have another in my backpack if you want to borrow it. Thank you for the cocoa. It's great for a cold night like this." "Very thoughtful of you Alyssa, no I’m good. Keep the extra blanket for someone who really needs it." He responded smiling. “Drink as much coca as you want." There was no shortage of it since he had made sure the pot would restock itself. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Walking through the tent and passing those that were already here, Kurumi smiled and bowed her head, flashing an overly cheerful, "Good evening," in everyone's direction. To those who didn't know, which was everyone, it appeared as though the Gryffindor were simply overly excited about the party.
"Professor Roslund," Kurumi called, giant box of lollipop cookies in her arms. "The sleeping bags are all organized over there in the corner based on color." The prefect had created a full spectrum from darks to lights. "I'll just go set the cookies down at the food table and then let me know if there is anything else that needs to be done." Professor Roslund was about to set up his telescope and do some of his own stargazing when he heard Kurumi’s distinctive voice behind his back. Turning he smiled "Good job Kurumi. Can you check that there is plenty of food for everyone and also put on some music." Gesturing to wireless stereo to the left of the food section he added in a hushed voice "I’m no good with music and what kids are into these days. Maybe you can choose something nice and soft that doesn’t disturb the buzzing conversation?" Quote:
Originally Posted by iBeJenn Selena hugged Mister Fancy Pants the elephant and plopped down next to her bag. Maaayyybeeee she ought to go up to the table and get food. Selena looked up at her forehead trying to see Kent. Nope, definitely couldn't but with a slight tilt of her head, the pygmy puff rolled into her lap. "Kent! You were supposed to stay up there," Selena sighed, placing the purple pygmy puff on top of her head and unzipping her bag to take out her chocolate. Psht. Who needed SLEEP when they could be eating chocolate?! Taking a note of the pygmy puff on the Slytherin prefect’s head Professor Roslund called over to Selena. "Good evening Selena. I see you’ve brought along an extra guest. Is your pygmy puff an eager astronomer too?" One pet was in the tent already. Would there be more creatures sticking their heads in to stalk the party? Quote:
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter When she arrived at the tent, she could tell that this was the place to be for the night. Seeing the professor, Lily went over to greet him. "Good evening Professor Roslund. How are you on this clear, but chilly night?" Lily gave the professor a big grin as she waited for a reply. She thought it would be a very good night for stargazing because the sky was clear. "Good evening Lily! I’m very good dear. I chose the perfect night for stargazing." He added with a grin. "You go stalk some balloon or stars for that matter before the light disappears on us." Professor Roslund insisted as he remembered that the first year had bumped her head last term. Quote:
Originally Posted by natethegreat Nate walked over to the place where the sleepover would be held. He walked in and said "Good evening professor." Nate was wondering what this would be like. He never slept in the great outdoors. This would be his first at a sleepover too. Even though being at hogwarts is like one big giant sleepover but with school. And alot of people. So it would be two new things he would be doing tonight. "Good evening Nate!" Professor Roslund greeted warmly. "Got your telescope with you for some stargazing?" Quote:
Originally Posted by alchemist_18 "Good Evening, Professor." she smiled. "What a nice idea to make a sleepover party here." She complimented. She tried to find a nice spot. Was Zhenya here too? "Good evening Raven.. Thank you. I hope it won’t get too chilly tonight since I knew it is a risk to hold a party outside in winter time." He said with a giant beam flashing over his face. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverDragon "Good evening Professor. No, I haven't," she responded. "But I'm really excited for tonight." "I’m pleased. Have fun dear!" Professor Roslund replied before hurrying off to save a candle from igniting a fire in the tent. Kids needed to be watched since most of them didn’t know what their limbs where doing. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva walked in to the party. She was excited to be there. She had her Cleveland Browns blanket wrapped around her already to keep warm. "Hey everyone" she said as she walked around. "Hello Professor, this is a really neat idea. How are you this evening?" Putting out the light and giving a boy a short lecture he turned to be eye to eye with Minvera. "Good evening Minerva. I’m good a little distracted but good. How are you, excited to sleep outside?" Quote:
Originally Posted by CJP She noticed the professer was there as well "Hi Professer, is there anything else that needs to be done? Although everything did look layed out pretty nicely. Olivia could earn points setting up too, as well as looking for baloons with her telescope. Professor Roslund turned right to greet Olivia. "Good evening Olivia." He thought for a moment and then responded as he got an idea. #When we go to bed later tonight you can be in charge of making sure that everyone gets a sleeping bag. Think you can do that?" Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Jory loved the cold weather. He knew he was going to enjoy this. He found the tent and got inside. It was warm in spite of the cold outside. He decided on a sleeping back near a pot that gave heat. Sitting down, Jory warmed himself up a bit before getting up to get some sandwiches. "Hello, Professor,'' Jory acknowledged the Professor whom he'd not noticed before. "Great idea you have here.'' "Good evening Jory. Thank you for saying so. It wasn’t entirely my idea. You should thank Kurumi and Beatrice for coming up with the idea in the first place." Professor Roslund said as he gestured towards his two helpers.
Clearing his throat he used his wand to make himself heard as held his little speech. "Good evening everyone, thank you all for coming out and braving the cold with me and my helpers." He glanced briefly over at Beatrice and Kurumi. "Let’s get the party started! There is plenty of food and drink to go around. Enjoy yourself, talk with someone you’ve never met before and most importantly find some balloons before Peeves come and snatch them all up."
That was his way of telling them to set their telescope up and get balloon spotting. Taking out his own specialized telescope and putting it firmly in the ground he started to gaze at the sky and grounds.
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