Originally Posted by
lazykitty Wearing her warmest pajamas and robe and carrying a small overnight bag, Sky stepped into the tent. She'd been going back and forth on attending ever since she'd heard about the slumber party and had finally decided that it'd be a great way to meet new people. So, here she was. Looking around, she was impressed. Everything looked lovely! She noticed that there was already some people hanging around, so she decided to say a general hi to the entire [s]room[\s] tent. "Hello, everyone!" she said with a small smile and a wave.
Olivia took a sip of hot chocolate, on her way over to the sleeping bags. Then she heard someone say hello, she turned and looked.
"Hi Sky" Olivia smiled back, even though sky had probly heard that pun a billion gagillion times!
Originally Posted by
alchemist_18 A sleepover party? it sounded fun!
Raven walked to the ground, where the party had been set. Wow! Professor Roslund had set it very great! The giant purple tent was set to be a nice place for party. He also served some food, candy, and hot drinks, good!
Though Professor Roslund had prepared pillows and etc. Raven still brought her own pillow which it was her favorite item. She walked and greeted Professor Roslund.
"Good Evening, Professor." she smiled.
"What a nice idea to make a sleepover party here." She complimented. She tried to find a nice spot. Was Zhenya here too?
There was another Slytherin in the same year who Olivia had yet to meet!
"Hello" the girl said as she walked over to sleeping bag area, Olivia had broght her own pillow too, and blanket.
She noticed the professer was there as well
"Hi Professer, is there anything else that needs to be done? Although everything did look layed out pretty nicely. Olivia could earn points setting up too, as well as looking for baloons with her telescope.