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He smiled. "I bet it's still nice to have other people to rely on...besides your parents," said Kennedy. If he's mom ever had another kid he envisioned himself playing soccer with a brother, or racing on their bikes, or having food fights, but that was just a dream. Although, the idea of his mom having a child would mean her having a spouse and THAT didn't sit right in Kennedy's mind. Oh-uh-uh. No man was getting near her while he was here.
This was it.
He was going to witness the ability of a metamorphmagus. He paid close attention, hoping not miss anything - if anything happened. His eyes ever so slightly grew wider. Her hair...it was pink. He wanted to say how amazing that was and it was probably the coolest thing he's seen, but wasn't sure if Kurumi would appreciate it. "Pink," he said.
His observing eyes then fell on what she was clutching at, but couldn't make out what it was. "That must have motivated your ability, huh?" he said, motioning his head to what she was holding.
Kurumi nodded. It was really nice to have people that she could talk to. Granted, once her brothers started attending Hogwarts they were gone most of the year and she only had the family's shiaba dog, Hikari, to converse with, but whenever they came home for the holidays she would let all that pent up anger and pain out and just talk with them about anything and everything over a nice hot cup of green tea.
Kurumi came out of her thoughtful zoning out when Kennedy said something. Pink? Actually, she wasn't a huge fan of the color...oh, wait, that wasn't what he meant. "
It...is?" she asked, pulling a few locks in front of her face. Yep, it was.
Her eyes crossed for a moment as she tried to follow his pointing finger and realized that it was directed towards the necklace. "
Oh, um...yeah...pink happens when, um, feelings resembling love are involved. N-N-Not that I am IN love or anything." Merlin no...at least she didn't THINK that she was... "
But, um, you know, those sort of feelings cause the pink..." Kurumi swayed awkwardly in her seat. "
So...whenever...I...um...I think about Jonathan it tends to happen..." Not ALL the time, but often enough to notice the pattern.
That made sense, right?