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Kurumi smiled and leaned back in her seat again. Her and her brothers actually hardly ever talked about magic - due to her mother's principles of having no such talk in the house. They shared everything else though, namely the notion of being different which, in its own way, became a metaphor for being a witch as it turned out. "We weren't allowed to talk about magic, but they were there for me for everything. I...I don't think I would be here if it weren't for them." She looked at Kennedy now. It was too bad that he didn't have any siblings. Sure there were times where she wished that she didn't have brothers - especially those times when they played pranks - but she couldn't have imagined going through all that alone.
Kurumi giggled. "I suppose it does." Kurumi had been told sometimes that she had been sorted into the wrong house, by professors actually, but none of them had said she was a Slytherin.
Kurumi took a deep breath. Here was...her first test of sorts with her ability. She had never really been able to tell it what to do, minus Transfiguration last term when she had sort of used it to cheat, and Kurumi felt that she had only been able to because she had felt immense pressure. In this relax environment...she wasn't sure she could accomplish anything. Her hand tugged on her robes and happened to fall on the necklace Jonathan had given her. Her memories swirled to that day and, without her really knowing she was doing it, her hair started to change to a pink hue.
He smiled.
"I bet it's still nice to have other people to rely on...besides your parents," said Kennedy. If he's mom ever had another kid he envisioned himself playing soccer with a brother, or racing on their bikes, or having food fights, but that was just a dream. Although, the idea of his mom having a child would mean her having a spouse and THAT didn't sit right in Kennedy's mind. Oh-uh-uh. No man was getting near her while he was here.
This was it.
He was going to witness the ability of a metamorphmagus. He paid close attention, hoping not miss anything - if anything happened. His eyes ever so slightly grew wider. Her hair...it was pink. He wanted to say how amazing that was and it was probably the coolest thing he's seen, but wasn't sure if Kurumi would appreciate it.
"Pink," he said.
His observing eyes then fell on what she was clutching at, but couldn't make out what it was.
"That must have motivated your ability, huh?" he said, motioning his head to what she was holding.